
Five ways to change organizational culture.

방콕 지키미 2023. 1. 30. 18:30

Lead by example: Top management can demonstrate the desired behavior and values they want to see in the organization by walking the talk and setting an example for others to follow. This includes exhibiting honesty, integrity, and transparency in their actions and decisions and consistently communicating and treating employees.


Communication: Clear and consistent communication is critical in establishing and maintaining a desired organizational culture. This includes communicating the organization's mission, values, and expectations to all employees and regularly gathering and acting and feedback. Open and transparent communication channels can also be established to encourage employees to share ideas, suggestions, and concerns.


Hiring and promotion: The hiring and promotion process can reinforce the desired culture by carefully selecting individuals who align with the organization's values and expectations. This can include conducting cultural interviews, checking references, and looking for candidates with a track record of exhibiting the behaviors and values necessary to the organization.


Recognition and rewards: Reinforcing positive cultural behavior through recognition and rewards programs helps to build a culture that values and supports desired behaviors. This can include recognizing employees who go above and beyond to demonstrate the organization's values or offering incentives for employees who consistently exhibit the desired behavior.


Culture-supportive policies and procedures: Culture is reinforced through the policies and procedures that support it. This includes creating a code of conduct that outlines expected behavior, developing flexible work arrangements that support work-life balance, and establishing transparent processes for decision-making and communication. These policies and procedures should align with the organization's values and mission and be regularly reviewed and updated to ensure they remain supportive of the desired culture.



How should we discover a popular culture that affects employees?


Employee Surveys: Conducting regular employee surveys can help gather information about employees' perceptions and attitudes towards the organization's culture, as well as any challenges or issues they andFocus Groups: Focus groups can be an effective way to gather in-depth infoeffectivelyure and identify areas for improvement. They can also gather ideas and suggestions for improving the culture.


Employee Feedback and Suggestion Boxes: Encouraging employees to provide feedback and suggestions through formal and informal channels can help to identify popular culture within the organization and gauge employee satisfaction with the current culture.


Employee Engagement Metrics: Measuring employee engagement can provide insights into the cultural environment, including employee satisfaction with the work environment, leadership, and organizational values.

Observations: Observing employee behavior, interactions and communication can also provide valuable insights into the cultural environment, including the values and attitudes within the organization.


Social Media: Monitoring social media platforms and online employee review sites can provide insight into the cultural perceptions of current and former employees, as well as the reputation of the organization within the broader community.

It's essential to gather this information in a confidential, non-threatening, and respectful manner to encourage employees to be honest and open about their experiences.



Is it desirable to change the organizational culture?


It depends on the context and circumstances. For example, changing the organizational culture can be desirable if the current culture hinders its ability to achieve its goals and objectives. For instance, suppose the contemporary culture is toxic, unethical, or not aligned with the organization's values. A culture change may be necessary to improve employee morale, performance, and overall success.


However, it's important to note that changing organizational culture is a complex and challenging process that requires buy-in and involvement from all levels of the organization. It also requires a long-term commitment and ongoing effort to embed the desired culture and maintain it over time. Therefore, before embarking on a culture change initiative, organizations should carefully assess whether it is necessary and whether they have the resources, leadership, and commitment to implement it successfully.

