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Photo News Photo News A man is taking a picture of a rainbow in the night sky. On November 30, the rainbow appeared off the eastern coast of the United Kingdom.* * the United Kingdom 영국 A boy is putting money in a metal pot. On December 1, the Salvation Army* started to raise money for charity. With the money, the group will help people in need. * Salvation Army 구세군 take a picture of ~의 사진을 찍다 rainbow 무지개 .. 2020. 12. 24.
Classic Christmas Movies Classic Christmas Movies Christmas is many people’s favorite holiday. So, there are many great stories and movies about Christmas, such as “Rudolph the Red-Nosed Reindeer” and “A Christmas Carol.” Here are three more classic movies about the Christmas season. ‘It’s a Wonderful Life’ George Bailey is a banker in a small town. Faced with bankruptcy, he thinks his life was one big mistake. A funny .. 2020. 12. 23.
설민석 저격한 고고학자 곽민수은 누구?? 저격 내용은?? 설민석 저격한 고고학자 곽민수은 누구?? 저격 내용은?? 설민석의 벌거벗은 세계사 입장 해명 (+고고학자 곽민수 공개 저격 누구) ‘설민석의 벌거벗은 세계사’는 세계사를 쉽고 재미있게 풀어낸다는 콘셉트로 시작한 방송 지난 12월 19일 2화 방송에서 소개한 이집트와 클레오파트라에 대한 이야기에 대해 고고학자 곽민수 소장이 문제점 지적 곽민수 소장 한양대 문화인류학 전공 영국 옥스퍼드대 & 더럼대 이집트학 전공 이번 '벌거벗은 세계사' 클레오파트라 편 자문을 맡았으나, 방송이 나간 뒤 오류가 많자 이를 지적 곽민수 소장은 12월 20일 자신의 페이스북에 남긴 발언들 “사실관계가 자체가 틀린 게 너무 많아서 하나하나 언급하기가 힘들 지경” “알렉산드리아 도서관을 알렉산드로스가 세웠다는 말이나 프톨레마이오스-.. 2020. 12. 23.
Exercise at Home Exercise at Home Ask Lucy: Do you need advice? Send your problem to Lucy, and she will help. Dear Lucy, I try to exercise every day. But these days, I cannot exercise at a gym or a park because of the coronavirus.* What should I do? - Ju-hyuck Dear Ju-hyuck You can do different workouts at home. For example, you can do sit-ups or planks.* These are simple but effective. Also, you can watch home .. 2020. 12. 23.
2020 Nobel Prize Winners 2020 Nobel Prize Winners In October, the winners of the 2020 Nobel Prizes were announced. They were chosen for making important contributions to the world. The Nobel Prize was established by Swedish inventor Alfred Nobel. Nobel became very wealthy through his inventions, which included dynamite. In his will, Nobel said his fortune would be used for a good cause. In 1901, five years after his dea.. 2020. 12. 22.
Worst Password Worst Password NordPass is an Internet security company. Recently, it studied people’s online passwords. Then, it released the worst passwords list for 2020. On the list, the most common password is “123456.” It was used over 2.5 million times. However, the company said this password was also the worst password. This is because hackers can easily crack it. It takes less than a second! “You shoul.. 2020. 12. 22.